Each of the Resilient South partners deliver amazing community progams that build skills in sustainability via regular workshops, newsletters and events. And the best thing for our residents is that any workshop offered by a Resilient South partner is available to residents living in any of the other partner council areas.
Sustainable Onkaparinga
Sustainable Onkaparinga delivers key environmental programs, activities and initiatives around the City. These include the Urban Creek Recovery project that restores habitat for native plants and wildlife; nature play events that encourage families to have fun outdoors and in new, innovative play spaces; and the initiative to green the City’s buildings with the latest technology. Join the Sustainable Onkaparinga Facebook page, subscribe to the Sustainable Onkaparinga quarterly newsletter and visit the website to discover more about upcoming projects, events and how you can get involved.
Common Thread - MArion
Get inspired, learn about sustainability and make connections at Common Thread, a free monthly program that welcomes everyone.
Bringing together the arts, sustainable practices and do-it-yourself know-how, Common Thread will connect people who share a common interest in living in the world lightly.
Expect workshops, films, idea sharing, activities, networking and more!
If you'd like to get involved or contribute to future events please visit the City of Marion Common Thread page or email
Green Thymes E-Newsletter - Marion
A monthly e-newsletter where you can read about local events, projects, workshops, grants and articles that have a sustainability or environmental flavour.
If you would like to subscribe, or have events, articles, projects that you would like to share with the local community, please contact
GReen Living Workshops
The City of Holdfast Bay runs a number of Green Living Workshops each year on various environmental topics. Workshops are free and open to both residents and non-residents. Topics include: produce gardening, waste minimisation, composts and worm farming, biodiversity in your backyard and more. Visit the Events Calendar for current Green Living Workshops.
Living Smart Courses
Have you wondered how you can make your life more sustainable? Do you want to respond positively to issues like climate change, or meet people who care about the environment and sustainability? Then Living Smart is for you!
Through hands-on activities, group based learning techniques, and guest speaker appearances, delve into ten Living Smart sustainability topics and leave armed with practical ways to live more sustainable. The 7 week course includes a field trip to see first hand how people are already taking action and how you can join!
There is no need to have a strong sustainability background, courses are open to anyone who is curious.
This course is brought to you by the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board in partnership with Be Living Smart Inc, and local governments who generously subsidise participant fees.
For other Living Smart courses coming up in SA email
Climate Ready Communities
Resilient South councils have partnered with the Australian Red Cross on an exciting program to help communities prepare for intensified extreme events under climate change. Climate Ready Communities training is empowering people to understand the risks they currently face, the way these are changing, and what they can do to build their resilience.
Resilient South councils initially piloted the program from 2017-19 during which time over 60 Climate Ready Champions were trained. The program proved so successful that in 2019-20 it expanded to include councils in other resilient regions with a further 50 champions recently trained. The free training demonstrates how you can support others take action to become ‘climate ready’, practical guidance to deliver activities and events, and the opportunity to get involved in Red Cross’ emergency response and preparedness activities.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Lynwen Maeder, Australian Red Cross (
For more information on Climate Ready Champions training click here.
Outside of southern Adelaide, but still want to support your own Climate Ready Community? Check out the amazing resources on the Australian Red Cross Climate Ready Communities page, which includes a Climate Ready Communities Guide to Getting Started.
““Big thanks for the Climate Ready youth training at Marion!! It is quite a relief to have a child finally feeling more equipped and confident to speak up as an individual about the elephant in the room.”
— Parent, Youth Climate Ready Champion