Planting trees and protecting our native ecosystems are some of the most important things we can do to promote climate resilient in our region. Urban trees sequester carbon, provide valuable shade and habitat and lower the temperatures of our suburbs on hot days. Revegetating and removing weeds from our native ecosystems helps ensure that they are more resilient to the impacts of climate change.
Future Trees
This project brings together many of the councils across greater Adelaide, along with state government agencies and utility providers to better understand and manage our public trees.
You Can’t Arb That
We asked our tree experts questions posed by residents to better understand how they manage our urban forests and address some of the myths and misconceptions about their roles.
Visit the websites to see what each of the partners has been working on:
The Resilient South partners work together with a range of groups to ensure that our region remains as green and healthy as possible.
Hallett Headland is a haven for rare and endemic plants and animals. The City of Marion, City of Onkaparinga and Green Adelaide are working together to remove weeds from this important habitat.
Sturt river linear park
The Sturt River Linear Park links the Patawalonga Basin in Glenelg North to Frank Smith Park in Coromandel Valley. The Cities of Mitcham and Onkaparinga have been jointly funding the progressive development of the Sturt River Lineal Park for many years.
Its official, trees are awesome!
We all know the relief of finding a cool spot under a tree or walking along a shady, tree lined street on a hot day. Trees are especially vital for our wellbeing in urban areas where there are more hard surfaces, as they provide shade and reduce the impact of radiant heat.
The City of Onkaparinga has committed to a 20% increase in both tree canopy cover and green cover (trees and shrubs) in our urban area by 2045 and 1000,000 trees in our urban areas by 2035. To communicate the benefits of trees, we've created these awesome tree tags that can be found on trees throughout our community and we’ve partnered on a range of tree trails. Residents not already part of our Suburb Improvement Program can also now apply to Adopt a Tree for their verge.
city of holdfast bay urban forest Target and tree tags
The City of Holdfast Bay recognises the important role trees play in cooling our urban environment and increasing community wellbeing in our City. A commitment to increase tree canopy coverage by 10% by 2030 was endorsed by council in 2017 under the Environmental Pillar in the Our Place 2030 strategic plan. Tree tags promoting the various benefits of trees can be found on Norfolk Island Pines along the Glenelg Foreshore and on Hills Weeping Figs down Jetty Road Brighton.
Mitcham Tree Trail
In January 2018, City of Mitcham created a tree trail to celebrate trees across the city and show the many benefits they provide. The trail showcased nine amazing trees in Mitcham Reserve with a tag placed on each tree to show height, how much shade provided and pollution removed from the atmosphere. The trail was explored by a number of community members, who were also tasked to find a hidden message amongst the trees! A prize was given to a winner allowing them to buy native plants at State Flora, located at Belair.