The climate in southern Adelaide has already become hotter and drier. We're experiencing more intense storms, flooding, bushfires and heatwaves and our growing season is changing too. Our best bet is to stop further change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions but we will also need to take steps to adapt to the changes that have already been locked in.  If the climate continues to change, we will face serious risks that will become increasingly difficult to manage.

This section shows how Resilient South councils are responding and ways that you can get involved.

urban heat Mapping

Resilient South councils have mapped the heat of our urban areas to identify the suburbs most at risk. As temperatures continue to rise, there are lots of things we can do to cool our streets, towns and cities.

You can find out how heat exposed your property or neighbourhood is by entering your address into the search function of our interactive heat maps.

climate ready schools

Climate Ready Schools is a partnership between Green Adelaide Education and Resilient South. We use STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) and Design Thinking to support schools and students to identify climate change risks and options for adapting. Get in touch to find out how your school can get involved.


It's official... Trees are awesome!

That's why Resilient South councils are planting more trees to keep our towns and suburbs cool and livable. 

climate ready communities 

If you think we need to get ready as a community for changes in our climate, you can join our group of Climate Ready Champions. Champions are trained to help people understand how the things we value may be affected by our changing climate, and explore what we can do to take action.

Southern Region LED STREET LIghting Upgrade

Street lighting is the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions by local government in Australia!  To reduce our emissions, Resilient South councils are upgrading to energy efficient LED lights.

Adaptation Planning

Resilient South mapped a range of social, environmental and economic data about southern Adelaide, to identify who and what is most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. We used this information to develop the Resilient South Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan. You could use it to help prepare your home or business.


Southern Adelaide's beautiful beaches are exposed to a wide range of climate related risks that we're working hard to manage.

Heatwave Hypothetical

Feeling Hot Hot Hot! Dealing with Heatwaves in Southern Adelaide 

We won the Minister for Health and Wellbeing Excellence in Public Health Award 2018 for this event. If you'd like to run a similar event in your own region or organisation, we have loads of fantastic resources that you're welcome to use. 

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